The British. Reading for the people. / Comp. F.F. Putsykovich. – St. Petersburg: Publishing House, Book Store Download
Feofil Feofilovich Putsykovich is a teacher and scientific writer, author of a large number of textbooks for public schools on various subjects. For popular reading he compiled up about 20 illustrated brochures under the general title “Biblical Stories” and about 40 brochures “From Ethnology” on ethnography .” Some of the brochures on ethnography of 1905 -1908 years were translated into the Turkish by the Tatar public figure Fatih Karimi. The publication “The British: Reading for the People”, from the series “From Ethnology”, introduces the peculiarities of the English nation. The British are the people, nation and ethnic group that make up the main population of England. It was formed in the Middle Ages on the island of Great Britain from the Germanic tribes of the Angles, Saxons, Frisians and Jutes, as well as the Celtic population of the island and immigrants from Scandinavia. The book (16 pages) contains information about the country, economy, trade, economy of England, the history, culture, life of the British in a popular form.
Mill J.S.System of Logic. – V.2. – 2nd ed. – St. Petersburg – Moscow: Edition of the bookseller-typographer M.O. Wolf, 1878 .– 518 p.
John Stuart Mill (1806-1873) – English philosopher and economist, member of the British Parliament. “The System of Logic” is a classic work of the philosophy of rationalism. The main work of the philosopher consists of six books. Book I. Names and sentences. Book II. Inference. The second volume includes Book III. “On Guidance”, Book IV “On Processes Auxiliary to Guidance”, Book V “On delusions “, Book VI “On the Logic of the Moral Sciences.” The work contain the problems of the logical-semiotic analysis of natural languages, the development of inductive reasoning, the use of logic for the reasoned solution of the problems of the humanities and social sciences. The general spirit and tone of the book – belief in knowledge, science, by virtue of its methods, the ability to make the discussion of the methodology of science and its problems fascinating and instructive made the interesting and attractive book for readers.The publication is recommended for philosophers, logicians, linguists, specialists in the field of artificial intelligence, as well as anyone interested in the problems of logic and epistemology.
Nekrasov N. Poems. – 4th. ed – St. Petersburg: Edition of the bookseller S.V. Zvonarev (bookshop at the head office of “ Sovremennik”, Liteiny prospect, Building No. 27 of Brok ), 1864. – 214 p.
The collection include poems: “On the Road”, “Troika”, “Homeland”, “In the Village”, “Wedding”, “On the Volga” and others by the Russian poet, publicist, classic of Russian literature Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov. This book was donated by Fyodor Fedorovich Treierov to the library fund. The book has the person seal of F. F. Treierov.
Saltykov-Shchedrin M.E. Complete collection by M.E. Saltykov [N. Shchedrin] Vol.9. Lords of Tashkent (1869 – 1872); Poshekhonskiye stories (1883 – 1884); All the year round (1879). – 3rd ed. – St. Petersburg: Publishing house of. M.M. Stasyulevich, 1895.- 635 p.
The ninth volume include well-known fiction works: “Lords of Tashkent”, “Poshekhonskie stories” and “All the year round” by M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin. The great Russian writer created a satirical description of the life of Russian society, ridiculed its vices, wrote the typical features of the bureaucracy. The book “Poshekhonskiye stories” is the last work of the writer dedicated to the life of the country estate of the serfdom era. These works brought the well-deserved fame of the largest Russian and world satirist to Saltykov-Shchedrin.